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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

EWI FreeWeek is here !!

Hello folks... EWI has opened its' doors. Freeweek is here.

You have access to the most recent newsletter where it is detailed on what is more likely we can expect from now on with the markets. Lot's of insight.

I am a subscriber myself, and although I can do my own EW analysis I am always anxious to get their newsletters in my mailbox. But you're wrong if you think they're all about EW. They're not. Be it TA or FA, there is always tremendous research going on in there, and one of the things I like most, is their psychology market analysis. Definitely worth the read.

Besides, it's free ! Just click the image below, register for EWI club (which it's free by the way, and just that entitles you to lots of free stuff outside the contents from FreeWeek, be it reports, tutorials, and so much more) and then you'll have access to this month's newsletter (120+ pages issued this weekend), as well the previous months' newsletters. There is also the Short term update, being a 3x weekly update of the markets - today is an issue day.

I think is a very good opportunity to see what kind of research they deliver, which in my opinion is outstanding. (and yes although I am an affiliate, I am saying this without any kind of bias, if I didn't agree I wouldn't subscribe to them myself).

So here's a sneak peak of what you get for free:
October 2009 Theorist | What's Inside?
14 eye-opening charts across 10 analysis-packed pages for today's most critical markets: U.S. stocks, gold and the U.S. dollar.
One chart you will NOT see elsewhere: It depicts a beautiful -- and telling -- fractal form in the past two years of market action.
Mounting evidence from trusted technical indicators: sentiment, advance/decline ratio and volume.
A decennial pattern in U.S. stocks that's held true for 10 of the past 11 decades.
An informative and useful section titled "Devising Trading Strategies."
Two and a half pages of gold analysis -- why lessons from the past likely provide ironies for the future.
Poignant analysis for the U.S. dollar.

November 2009 Financial Forecast | What's Inside?
Special Section: The November Financial Forecast includes an eye-opening special section on Goldman Sachs. These new insights about one of Wall Street's most storied firms have broad implications for Wall Street as a whole. You will see a picture of Goldman's history plotted along a 100-year chart of the Dow. You will also learn how the same sentiment driving the market today will drive the course of mega-deal makers in the future. This is a can't-miss special section.
Plus, you will get:
A thorough Elliott wave perspective on the stock market today -- what does Elliott tell us about the current juncture?
A telling bar pattern candlestick aficionados will recognize.
Valuable momentum considerations, including powerful evidence from a technical analysis method that tracks the distribution of stock from strong hands to weak.
A chart of dollar trading volume vs. GDP and the important analysis about it that you should see now.
And much more.

What's more, these are just two of the incredible free resources you get during this week only. You will also have completely free access to the most recent Theorist and Financial Forecast archives (September and October issues for each publication are currently available.) as well as the tri-weekly Short Term Update, which is designed to keep EWI's subscribers up to date between the monthly issues above.

Please don't delay. This special, limited-time offer from EWI is one of the most valuable free offers we've ever written to you about. It expires Nov. 11. Please follow the link below; sign up to join FreeWeek for free; print out your free reports; read them at your leisure. Do not miss this exciting opportunity.

Learn more about FreeWeek, and download your free reports here. 

So you got nothing to lose, click on an image or CLICK HERE

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