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Saturday, November 28, 2009

Your dear beloved is back...

Hail to the king, for I am back. :-D

Finally! This week I didn't do any update, what a shame... Probably it may have missed to some of you, but last Sunday I got through the hospital and was diagnosed with H1N1 flu. Nothing to worry about, it's just a mere normal flu, oh but the headaches, those sure were a pain in the ass to go through. And probably the major reason why I didn't feel like looking at monitors, computers, etc.

Well I am back, fresh as a fresh salad and I will be posting lots of good stuff this weekend.

For appetizers, here's a website with lots of resources from trading programs, books, webinars, seminars, software management, software testing, etc.

The blog belongs to the former owner of which was a great website. Feel free to have a look overthere. The link is:

I will now begin working on tomorrow's post. It will be a whole new level of mathurbation of graphs and other things

Cheers and have a nice least what's left of it.
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