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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wednesday FED'ish rubdown

I think today got more clear...
The following graph is what I think is most likely to happen. I forgot to put up the arrows of direction for those that don't understand EW, but if this is correct it means that tomorrow and into next week we should fall hard !

Today's little sell off into the close sure is yummy and may be a beginning, but I will look for more confirmation. Bears really need to show up here and take a stand.

 Ok this is what I have for today.

Also don't forget today EWI opened its' doors, so you might want to check them out... Today is an update day for them so they'll issue 12 page update which they do every Monday, Wednesday and Friday apart from the monthly newsletters. It's totally free, and you can always help this site (yes I get little commission, so at least you'd be helping me support the traffic costs and domain costs, not that I don't mind I do this for pleasure). If you do register please do so through one of the banners on the site or through here:


Have a good night everyone...
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